Gifts for the Large Game Hunter

This bag of .30cal Bore-Tips contains 6 Bore-tips® on a runner. Bore-Tips are designed to reach 100% of the bore to spread fluids more evenly than mops and patches. Their non-abrasive foam allows the foam to run in both directions, while their absorbency requires less solvent/lubricant. Each tip affixes to a standard rifle rod with 8/32 thread.
Large Surface Gun Cleaning Swabs
The Large Surface Gun-tips® are made out of durable foam that will not leave lint or fibers behind. The Large Surface is ideal for cleaning mag wells, dust covers, slides, lower and upper receivers, trigger assemblies, and bolt carrier assemblies. This package contains 24 swabs.
Precision Tip Gun Cleaning Swabs
The Precision Tip Gun-tips® are ideal for reaching the tight areas of the gun such as slide rails, frames, trigger assemblies, compensators, and extractor ports. These swabs are ideal for anyone who is particular about their firearms. The package contains 24 swabs.